April 12, 2012

Good Food, Good Fun!

How is your  Food Education coming?  I realize that March was National Nutrition month, and it is no longer March.  But I am really on a roll and hope to continue making healthier choices for myself and my family. 

I'm finding new, healther food options to incorporate into our meals every day.  Sometimes its as simple as switching a loaf of bread!  I thought I had been doing my family a favor with the whole wheat bread I had been purchasing.  However, Fooducate helped me to realize that it contained more refined flour than whole grains.  The App offered a healthier 100% Whole Grain alternative (this is the feature that I love most about this app!) and my family is none the wiser.

Now, it's not really fair for me to have all the fun, is it?

While I was browsing the blog on Fooducate.com, I read a guest post from Melissa Halas-Liang, MA RD CDE.  She created a website called www.SuperKidsNutrition.com.   She explained her Super Crew of characters, "...a teaching tool, used to attract kids towards eating whole foods rather than those that are processed and packaged and teach children that good nutrition can not only taste good, but can be fun too!"   My kids enjoyed exploring this site during their spring break.

Despite my slyness, the kids have noticed some of the healthier food choices around the house. They actually seemed excited about it, saying "this is really healthy for us, isn't it mom?" So I took advantage of this excitement and we had a little food fun during spring break.

Jessi's fruit play!
They couldn't wait to get their fingers on the fruit!

Ally searched "Spark Recipes" for a healthy breakfast idea.

Egg and cheese muffin cups!
The girls were thrilled to make breakfast for the family.

They were yummy!

Letting the kids be involved in the food prep definitely made them more excited about eating it! 

Happy, Healthy eating to you all!



  1. I just stumbled across Spark Recipes - great site. Love the pictures! Who wouldn't want to eat those fruit plates?...

  2. love the pics! will definitely be checking out the Spark Recipes..thank you!


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